
In restoration, retouching a painting describes the process where paint is applied to areas where paint is missing. The original is not touched and nothing is improved or altered. The paint medium and pigment has to be stabile but nevertheless reversible. Here some of the most common types of retouching – “from minimal or no […]

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Is this painting authentic or is it a Fake ?

What an interesting question… and … Who wants to know? Sometimes the Owners want to know, sometimes they don’t. To discover that a work of art is a fake and therefore no longer that valuable, can be an unpleasant experience. Some Collectors prefer to be blissfully ignorant of a fake. It would mean one original less on […]

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Over painted paintings

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Early cases of plastic surgery Rejuvenation As we all know, hair, make up, fashion and taste change over the years.It does not happen very often, but ever now and again one of these “improved” cases comes along. Here someone disliked the original looks of the woman portrayed.The area of the face was completely over-painted […]

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